Ohio Association Law:
Ohio Planned Community Law: This covers Home Owner’s Associations, Cluster Homes, and Villas.
Mine Subsidence Coverage
While some Boards can handle the day to day business of a self-managed Association, they will always run into a fundamental problem – You don’t know what you don’t know. You cannot solve a problem you didn’t know existed, and often when you do become aware of that type of problem, it’s because it’s now an emergency. Part of professional […]
We often get questions from Unit Owners regarding what kind of coverage and how much insurance they should purchase for their Units. Having insurance on your Unit is required, but sometimes it can get confusing as to who covers what, since the Association may also carry coverage on the buildings. Hopefully this article will help clarify what Unit Owners need […]
Community Association Fundamentals
Even though we live in an association, you might be surprised how many of our neighbors—owners and renters alike—don’t really understand the fundamental nature of common-interest communities. And we know that many others, including the media and government officials, lack a true understanding of the community association (or condominium) concept. Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national membership organization that represents […]
Top Association Attorneys Kaman and Cusimano have written the article below on some of the reasons your association might want to look at professional management. If you are currently looking for professional management, fill out a form on our contact page, or give us a call for a proposal package. A brief overview of just some of the activities for which […]
Snow Mold on the Grass
Snow Mold Cold, wet weather conditions that persist from the onset of winter through early spring have the professionals at Turfscape noticing the signs of gray and pink snow mold. The symptoms of gray snow mold are more visible after the snow has melted. You will notice patches of light brown, gray or straw-colored circles that measure less than 10 inches in […]
Ice Damming
Ice Damming can be one source of winter roof leaks. If you have a roof leak, call Grace Property Services right away. Keep in mind that some of the solutions mentioned in this article are not appropriate for all associations, and any exterior changes must be approved by the Board before any action is taken. Ice dams are large build-ups […]
Voting to Waive or Fully Fund
Earlier in the fall you may have gotten a request to waive fully funding for your association, or you may notice a note on the top of the annual budget you receive in the mail that mentions that the association is or isn’t fully funding. Below is a summary of what those options mean. Reserves are an association’s savings account, […]
How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter
As winter approaches and temperatures drop, you’ll find that your utility bills will increase, mostly because of heating costs. However, if you prepare your HVAC system in advance and maintain it properly, you can cut your electricity usage and add to the life of your HVAC system. Examine Your HVAC Unit Many HVAC systems can last as long as 20 […]
The Advantages of Professional Management
Sometimes homeowners want to know why they should hire professionals to manage their association instead of being self managed. There’s a lot more to managing a community association effectively than you may realize. It’s much more than property management; it’s also about governance—enforcing rules, conducting elections and more. Your home and your ownership interest in the common elements represent a […]
Want to Compare Condo Dues? It’s impossible!
Due to various factors, it’s impossible to make an accurate comparison There are many reasons why it’s difficult to compare condominiums: Age of the condo buildings may differ Mechanical systems may differ Type of materials used in buildings (brick, siding, stucco, wood) Decks/Balcony on unit? – Is the unit owner or the Association responsible for repairs? Made of wood? Elevators […]